Wednesday, March 18, 2009

These poor people

As my day at work winds down I've begun reminiscing about some of the amazing people I've encountered in my lifetime. I thought I'd share with you some of the hilarious and most unfortunate names known to man. Keep in mind these are all real names and I've talked to every single one of them.

Galaxy Starcruiser
Mark Batman
Michael Jackson
Michael Jordan
Fidel Castro
Richard Sack (Dick Sack?! COME ON!)
Michael McDonald
Patricia Flippen Williams
Jet Balcezak
Alex Colon
Geralyn Dukepoo

What were their parents thinking?


Bakes. said...

HAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHA. i could change my name to every single one of those. NO JOKE.

Bakes. said...

seriously? update this ish.