Tuesday, March 10, 2009

I hate to double post...

...but this is too amazing and I think that I might forget it if I don't post it now.

What follows is an actual exchange I just had with a customer (keep in mind, we were having a somewhat normal conversation prior to him starting this up):

Me: Yeah, this month you've used about three...
Customer: Can you imagine why someone would bring a god damn knife to a mother fuckin' gun fight?
Me: Ummm, well... no I guess not sir.
Customer: Well, this asshole just came at me with a knife one time and I carry a Glock 9mm so I just shot him right in the shoulder.
Me: Wow.
Customer: I know! And the best part is I let him suffer for a little bit before I took his cell phone and called the cops. Alright, so what were you saying about my minutes again?

I can't make this shit up folks. I really can't.


Bakes. said...


i never knew you had such a dangerous job. for reals.

cole said...

i hope you're called in as a witness . . . that is amazing