Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Note to self:

So an awesome friend sent me some awesome 3D glasses the other day. They're the bad ass red and blue kind not the dumb new ones that look like plain sunglasses. Anyway, I thought it would be a good idea to where them at work... you know, just for shits. I must have worn them for about an hour before I realized they were still on. A co-worker said I looked like an idiot (psh) so I took them off. Big mistake. I felt like I was in a whole new world. And not Aladdin's kind of whole new world. It was not a new fantastic point of view. It was like the tunnel scene in the original Charlie and the Chocolate factory. It was scary. I honestly thought my eyes were permanently damaged but luckily, after a few agonizing minutes, my vision started to go back to normal. Whew! Crisis averted. I now know to wear them in moderation (or not at all... apparently I look retarded).

So, I guess my point is that if you ever want to freak out a kid or a baby... give them these glasses and make them watch the original Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Hilarity will ensue. Everyone knows that there is nothing funnier than scaring a baby.


cole said...


Bakes. said...

whoever sent you those must be way cool...you are so amazing for wearing them for so long!