Saturday, March 7, 2009

Let's get this mother started.

You probably don't care but I've decided to start a blog. I haven't really decided exactly what it will contain yet (other than copious amounts of that ish) but I guess we'll see what happens.

I will try to make this one of the only times I go on a stupid rant but here goes:

Right now I'm at work not working and I've come to the realization that I hate my job. I'm a people person. I really am. But I hate people. Well, not all people per se... just the idiots I'm forced to deal with on a daily basis. And trust me, there are a lot. It saddens me to report, or confirm rather, that the education system in the U.S. is obviously OBVIOUSLY failing. People are just stupid and irresponsible. Plain and simple. Why do Americans feel like they are automatically entitled to anything and everything they want at no charge? I just want to scream, "WE ARE A BUSINESS. WE ARE HERE TO MAKE MONEY. IF YOU DON'T HAVE ANY THEN MAYBE YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE A CELL PHONE PLAN THAT COSTS $200 A MONTH."

I wish for one day you could come sit with me and listen to these people that I have to talk to. From guilt trips to voodoo to people legally named Galaxy Starcruiser to bomb threats on my home... every day is a new adventure. Don't get me wrong, my job is easy and it pays but I don't know how much longer I can do this. I'm ready for a change.


With all that ish being said, and on a more positive note, I think I've finally figured out what I want to major in. And I mean for reals this time. This fall I'm going to start back at UT part-time and attempt to get my BFA in photography. I really love taking pictures and I'm super eager to learn more about the medium. So that's exciting I guess.

I must get back to the grindstone now. I hope this first post doesn't scare you away. My next will be more fun I promise.

Bayless out.


Bakes. said...

1. i'm changing my name to Galaxy Starcruiser. for reals.
2. if you quit that job you better find a new one in provo.
3. this ish is amazing.

Bayless said...

Galaxy Starcruiser is just the tip of the iceberg.

Johnny Boy said...

keep it up man.

GG Baker said...

this is the most awesome-ish post I've read- well, next to Lins of course. What more can I say? You win the bingo points. We are failing in education! oops- I shouldn't be saying that! shhhh!

Chris said...

one of the things you'll soon find out about these blogspot blogs is how small images have to be to post them, width wise. it really sucks, and i'm sure it'll irk you just as much as it does me because you'll probably try to put up pictures.